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Julissa Uribe is a healthcare worker in California, a state with 40 million residents and the first to lock down on March 19th. Along with her Warrior Squad in Modesto, Julissa is working hours around the clock to help patients fight against COVID-19. 

Julissa works in the Kaiser Emergency Department, where each day, she steps onto the frontlines. She says, “My heart bleeds for everyone that is affected by this virus in any way.”

With the high volume of cases, the Kaiser ER has set up a tent outside for triage. There, patients are assessed and treated for respiratory and flu-like symptoms. This triage is open from 7 AM to midnight. After midnight or when the tent exceeds its limit, the inside respiratory lobby is used. In addition, they have established an outside tent where technicians operate a portable x-ray machine. In this way, they limit the amount of patients entering and exiting the hospital. When patients are beyond the treatable regulations in the tent, they are moved to a room inside the hospital.

“No one likes the unknown nor uncertainty,” says Julissa, “but we will cross that bridge when we get there. Remember, each of us can help make a difference, we are in this battle together. Help us fight, help us by doing your part and stay home. Help us by understanding and following the rules.”

We are thankful for Julissa and her team of healthcare heroes, fighting on the frontlines during this pandemic. Thank you for your sacrifice and service.  


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